Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Second Guessing

Mill Canyon Peak, UT
For the past couple of weeks I've been trying to decide how much I like this picture, if I like it at all.  For while it is a pretty photo, it's very much in the "post card" vein.  Middle of the day, bright blue sky, centered subject.  The artist in me says there is nothing special about it, it's not "artistic" enough.  Screw the artist.  Sometimes you just have to turn off your brain and go with your gut.  I find I have to remind myself that not every shot has to be a home run.  I do like it, and it brings to mind the lyrics to a certain King Crimson song (this is mainly for my friend Brian):

"The more I look at it
The more I like it.
I do think it's good.
The fact is..
No matter how closely I study it
No matter how I take it apart
No matter how I break it down
It remains consistent."