Friday, May 16, 2014

Death Valley Retrospective

I still have a few photos from my trip to Death Valley National Park in March to share. So far this spring I haven't had much time for photography, which is frustrating for me to no end. That will change starting next week fortunately. In the meantime I hope you enjoy these.

Early morning sun on the Mesquite Dunes

Moon hanging over sunlit Telescope Peak from Badwater Basin

The sunlit peaks of the Panamint Range with the colorful badlands in the foreground


  1. I didn't realize at first what the attraction was to your Death Valley pictures. Usually I'm into the things I don't much see in Texas...trees, green mountains and forests, rivers and lakes and clear water streams. But then looking at the Panamint Range picture today, I realized how much it reminded me of the many trips I made to the desert southwest during my Air Force years. I usually drove out through Arizona and Nevada, the desert mountains and the unbearable heat left an impression on me. Seeing this picture brought back many memories.

    1. I wouldn't care to live in the desert southwest, but it is an awesome area to visit and photograph. I get tired of photographing all the things you mention, places live Death Valley are a refreshing change of pace.
